From Dollhouse
[edit] Timeline, Story so far
[edit] It starts...
[edit] May 23
Various prominent Joss Whedon fans receive an email from Adelle Dewitt, though apparently sent to the wrong recipient
- Recipients include Furiousnads.com,
- The email, from adelle@adelledewitt.com:
Take Southlandlabs.com offline for now whilst we redesign.
- This leads to Adelledewitt.com and Southlandlabs.com
- Adelledewitt.com is relatively plain with a login and password entry prompt.
- Southlandlabs.com is empty, save an overhead view of a star-shaped layout of 5 beds in a large room. In the source is the phrase "soon. but not yet"
[edit] May 26
Googling "Kimi Lassek" leads to a new site Findkimi.com.
- Findkimi.com is run by Sheridan Owen in Manchester, UK (email sheridan.owen@googlemail.com).
- The blog has two posts - one saying a strange letter was received from Kimi and Sheridan would make a Youtube video, another 2 months later with a photo received in the mail.
A blog entry on fox.com is posted, also linking to Adelledewitt.com, and receives a comment from "Kimi Lassek" revealing the login.
- The login for Adelledewitt.com is
Inside Adelledewitt.com is an email inbox with one email, subject: "External Website", from Topher Brink
- The email reads:
Website (http://southlandlabs.com/) is gone as requested. Will relaunch once the design is good to go.
[edit] May 27
Sheridan replied to an email from October asking about his Youtube profile.
A new email is received at Adelledewitt.com , subject: "Meeting: serious issue", from Adelle, t "SECURIY DL"
- The email, sent at 7:33am local time, reads:
We may have a problem regarding one of the Actives. It appears somebody -- a civilian -- is trying to find them.
My office, 9am. Don't be late.
Southlandlabs.com goes blank.
[edit] November 9
Rossumcorporation.com is discovered, with a phone number that can be called. Sending an email prompts a reply with reference to "ditch the tech" - Ditchthetech.com. This includes a reference to Wipethefuture.com.
- First noted at whedonesque.com, people can call 206-426-5839 for a 'confidential evaluation'. Emailing RC led to a response email with the subject DITCH THE TECH.:
We have hacked Rossum.
DITCH THE TECH or society will collapse.
- This leads to Ditchthetech.com, which contains in the source, a reference to Wipethefuture.com which is currently N/A.
- DTT provides a link to a propaganda flyer PDF for people to print and share.